Sugar-free guava preserve : influence of additives on textural properties.

The development of sugar-free products requires the inclusion of many additives to provide all of the characteristics of sugar products. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of different additives (fructooligosaccharide, thaumatin, sucralose, stevioside, maltitol, xanthan gum, locust bean gum, carrageenan, low methoxyl pectin and polydextrose) on the textural properties of functional sugar-free guava preserves. The Plackett and Burman design with 19 tests was used. Texture profile analysis and stress relaxation test were performed. The results were analyzed by analysis of the effects and principal component analysis. The low methoxyl pectin positively affected some parameters of the texture profile (hardness and gumminess) and relaxation test properties (η2 and k1). The other ingredients (except maltitol, which did not affect any textural parameters) affected only the texture profile parameters. The results also indicated that higher concentrations of gelling agents in the product resulted in greater influences on the textural properties.
Processing, Gelling agents, Sweeteners, Bulking agents
PEREIRA, P. A. P. et al. Sugar-free guava preserve : influence of additives on textural properties. International Food Research Journal, v. 24, n. 6, p. 2377-2386, dez. 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 21 fev. 2019.