E-waste management and sustainability : a case study in Brazil.

The advancement of technology and development of new electronic and electrical equipment with a reduced life cycle has increased the need for the disposal of them (called Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment or simply e-waste) due to defects presented during use, replacement of obsolete equipment, and ease of acquisition of new equipment. There is a lack of consumer awareness regarding the use, handling storage, and disposal of this equipment. In Brazil, the disposal of post-consumer waste is regulated by the National Solid Waste Policy, established by Law No. 12305 and regulated on the 23rd December 2010. Under this legislation, manufacturers and importers are required to perform a project for the Reverse Logistics of e-waste, though its implementation is not well defined. This work focuses on the verification of the sustainability of reverse logistics suggested by the legislation and the mandatory points, evaluating its costs and the possible financial gain with recycling of the waste. The management of reverse logistics and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, or simply recycling of e-waste, as suggested by the government, will be the responsibility of the managing organization to be formed by the manufacturers/importers in Brazil.
Government environmental policies, Recycling, Reverse logistics
AZEVEDO, L. P. et al. E-waste management and sustainability : a case study in Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 24, n. 32, p. 25221–25232, nov. 2017. Disponível em: <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11356-017-0099-7>. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2018.